Дайте ответы на вопросы, употребляя слова в скобках. Have you done exercise one yet? (just) Yes, I’ve just done it.
1. Have you learnt all the rules of English grammar yet? (yet)
2. Have you done many exercises yet? (already)
3. Have you answered the first two questions yet? (already)
4. Have you learnt everything about Present Perfect yet? (so far)
5. Have you finished exercise two yet? (just)
Составьте предложения, в зависимости от реальной ситуации потребив глагол в утвердительной или отрицательной форме
Present Perfect.
I, to see, an interesting film, this month I have seen an interesting film this month. I haven’t seen any interesting film this month.
1. My mother, to do the shopping, today
2. I, to read, an exciting book, this summer
3. My friend, to catch cold, this month
4. I, to visit, my grandparents, this week
5. I, to make, progress in English, this year

Настя20767 Настя20767    2   12.12.2020 04:02    51

saban15 saban15  11.01.2021 04:05

1 No, I haven't done it yet.

2 Yes, I have already done all exercises.

3 Yes, I have already answered all questions.

4 Yes, I have already learnt everything about this grammar tense so far.

5 No, I've just started.

1 My mother hasn't done the shopping today.

2 I've read an exciting book this summer.

3 My friend hasn't caught cold this month.

4 I've visited my grandparents this week.

5 I've made progress in English this year

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