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(дополнив предложения информацией из видео) написать предложения
про Лондон в тетради (предложения пишем полностью!)
1 London is the capital of the ……….
2 The city is situated on the river ………..
3 ……. Is a symbol of London. There are …… towers in the Bridge.
4 The Tower was once a ……., a ………, a………. and a……….. .
5 ……… is the seat of the British Government (правительства).
6 There are two chambers: the House of ……… and the House of…….. .
7 Buckingham Palace is the official royal ……… .
8 There is a great column to Admiral Nelson on ………. Square.
9 ……… has a fine collection of European paintings.
10 St. Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest English ……. .
11.………….. is a place where all kings and queens were crowned.
12.London Eye has …… cabins for ….. people each.
13.William Shakespeare is the founder of the ……….. .
14.………… is the most popular wax (воск) museum in the world.
15.Regent’s Park is the home of London ……. .

kostyuchkova12 kostyuchkova12    2   22.05.2021 20:50    0

Rameros Rameros  21.06.2021 21:58

1. London is the capital of the UK

2. The city is situated on the river Thames

3. Tower bridge is a symbol of London. There are two towers in the Bridge.

4. The Tower was once a palace , a fortress, a prison and a zoo.

5. Westminster palace or the houses of Parliament is the seat of the British Government (правительства).

6. There are two chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

7. Buckingham Palace is the official royal residence.

8. There is a great column to Admiral Nelson on Trafalgar Square.

9. Nation gallery has a fine collection of European paintings.

10. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest English church.

11. Westminster Abbey is a place where all kings and queens were crowned.

12. London Eye has 32 cabins for 25 people each.

13. William Shakespeare is the founder of the Globe theatre.

14. Madam Tussaud's museum is the most popular wax (воск) museum in the world.

15. Regent’s Park is the home of London Zoo.

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