дайте ответ Mark the sentences T(true) or F (false). CHECK
1 The farmer gave half his sheep to the shepherd.
2 The shepherd found a chest of gold in his fields.
3 The wise man's third student said that the gold belonged to the Khan.
4 The farmer and the shepherd agreed to use the money to make a
garden for poor people.
5 They gave the student the gold to go to the city and buy hundreds
of birds.
6 The birds planted the seeds on the wise man's land and a garden
sprung up.​

catBoss009 catBoss009    2   20.01.2021 15:05    22

VadimqaFL VadimqaFL  20.01.2021 15:10
Нужно сначала текст дать что бы ответить )
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