Дайте определение на языке 1.межправительственное решение - 2.вступление нового государства члена - 3.единый рынок -

Кристи626 Кристи626    2   30.03.2019 21:10    1

operat0r operat0r  27.05.2020 18:54

1. An intergovernmental decision - is a decision, which is accepted by the Heads of several states for some important issues, that apply to all members of this agreement.

3. The single market - the United European market, established in 1992 by a united Europe Act. He was supposed to be formed, due to the elimination of all barriers to the movement of goods, labor and capital between the countries - members of the European Union.

(второе вообще понять не могу..мб как то не так объясняете?)

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