Дай краткий ответ
1.Is it hot today?-
2.Are you a student?
3.Is there a table in the kitchen?
4.Do you go to school on Sundays?
5.Does your friend go to the college?

illaria2703 illaria2703    1   08.06.2020 09:39    21

verasokolova16 verasokolova16  19.08.2020 01:28

1.Is it hot today?-Yes,it is / No,it isn't

2.Are you a student?-Yes,I am / No, I'm not

3.Is there a table in the kitchen?-Yes, there is / No,there isn't

4.Do you go to school on Sundays?-Yes,I do / No,I don't

5.Does your friend go to the college?-Yes,he does / No,he doesn't

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