Дай инструкцию по уходу за хомячком своему другу look | you mustn't you must have a home for.. | it/they mustn't get cold. give food/water | keep (its) home clean |

asura3 asura3    3   04.06.2019 20:20    5

kuku2s kuku2s  05.07.2020 16:23
Having a pet is really difficult, but if you will follow my tips you will find out how to be a good owner. 
At first you should have a home for your hamster. You must clear it up and give your pet clear water and heathy food. Your pet mustn't get cold because he can became ill. And as for me the most important tip is to not hurt your hamster.If you, my dear friend, will follow all this you will get the best pet-friend that can only exist.
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