Дать ответы на вопросы 1. what is "the net income"? 2. what will a doctor do if he is sent for? 3. which certificates are you to present (if asked) at the customs? 4. when did ukraine became independent? 5. what should you do with seat belts in a plane?

Tanya21105 Tanya21105    2   09.09.2019 17:20    1

naxim23432 naxim23432  07.10.2020 03:37
1. The net income is a pure income that you get.
2 . If the doctor is sent for he should come and investigate a sick man.
3. If I'm asked I shall present my passport and declaration at the customs.
4. The Ukraine became independent in 19 ( пиши дату независимости Украины ).
5. I should fasten my seat belt in a plane.
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