Даны предложения: 1) i lived in sydney for two years. i`ve lived in sydney for two years. 2) i work for an international company. i`ve worked for them since 2006. 3) how long have you been working in tokyo? how many countries havy you worked in? 4) have you ever met anyone famous? did you meet anyone famous at the party? 5) i`ve already finished. i haven`t finished yet. 6) who`s been eating my chocolates? who`s eaten my chocolates? 7) the president was shot in 1963. have yoy heard? the president`s been shot. 8) how long are you here for? how long have you been here for? значения предложений в парах похожи, но используются разные времена и перевод в конце концов разный. нужно составить 5 пар (10 предложений), придерживаясь той же логики. глаголы из предложений выше использовать нельзя ( кроме to be). заранее !

NAREK097 NAREK097    2   24.09.2019 19:10    0

sabegov1234 sabegov1234  08.10.2020 16:22
I was in London for three months
I have been to London for three months
I went to Paris for getting relax
I have gone to Paris for getting relax
I went for a walk in the park
I have gone for a walk in the park
She reads my favourite book
She have read my favourite book which I gave her
They built a new house two days ago
They have built a new house for two days
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