daily routine is something like this: he gets up at about 11:30 a.m. and for his breakfast he eats chips and hamburgers.
After breakfast he sits in his Rolls Royce and watches TV until 1 o’clock. Then he goes in the car to the pub, which is
400 metres away from his house. In the pub he drinks a lot of beer and usually eats a sandwich. When the pub closes
at 5 p.m. his chauffeur drives him to the cinema. He watches films until 8 o’clock. After that the chauffeur takes him
to a restaurant where he eats almost everything on the menu and drinks a large bottle of champagne. The chauffeur
takes him home to bed at about 2 a.m.
Fat Freddy smokes approximately 40 cigarettes a day and this morning, as usual, he looked very white and
complained to the chauffeur that he wasn’t feeling too well and that he couldn’t sleep at night.

B. Match the sentences according to the text.
1. Before having lunch a) because he always goes to bed late.
2. If he eats more vegetables, b) he watches TV.
3. He never wakes up early c) he will be less fat

1. You (must/might) eat fast food.
2. (May/Can) you tell me the way to the nearest post office?
3. You (can/mustn’t) ask questions after my presentation.
4. David (should /can) speak Japanese and Thai fluently.
5. (may/could) you show me your passport please?
6. When I was younger I (ought/could) surf and water ski.
7. You (should/ought) to be careful what you eat

irinka15012002 irinka15012002    3   04.02.2021 11:39    4

Аккерман11 Аккерман11  04.02.2021 11:40

Before having lunch he watches TV

If he eats moee vegetables he will be less fat

He never wakes up early because he always goes to bed late









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