Dad,can I go outside to play? Do youhave your housework done? Do I have to? You knowthe rules:no playing until the work done.So,what is my work? Well,ferst you have to clean the bathroom including the toilet and don't forget to scrab the bathtub.No,I want to do the family room.OK,but you have to vacuum the family room snd the hall.And be sure to dust every thing.And don't forget to wash the walls and clean the baseboard .And afterthat..Oh,no.Nextsweep a mop the kitchen floor and be sure to polish the table in the living room .Ok,Ok.Make you bed and pick up all your toys and put them away.And..More? How about going out for lunch and getting and big milkshake.You probably don't want to do that .No,no,I want to. Whileyou're doing your work ,I'll be out in the yard raking leaves and pulling weeds.
Нужно задать 5 во к тесту и описать главного героя

DarkLooord DarkLooord    2   13.04.2020 17:23    2

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