d good reason. 497. У Майкла в следующей четверти экзамен, и его родители разговаривают с его классным руководителем. Используйте в рекомендациях учителя глаголы ѕhоuld/may might. He is doing quite well in English and he (1) ... pass his exam without difficulty. He (2) ... even pass with distinction if he tries very hard. His Maths is not so good. He (3) ... even fail though I don't think that's very likely. His Chemistry teacher isn't too happy with him, and says Mike (4) ... pass. He doesn't seem to show any interest in the subject and only got 42 out of 100 in a practice exam last week. You don't need worry about Physics, he (5) ... pass easily. His French is getting better, he (6) ... get a distinction, but (7)... at least pass.

darina2605 darina2605    3   03.12.2021 17:56    2

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