D) forward e) at
8.Complete the sentence The woman ... lives next door is a doctor
a) who
b) those
c) where
d) this
e) what
9. Choose the correct pronoun She burnt ... cooking dinner.
a) himself
b) herselves
c) hers
d) himself
e) she
10. Make an adjective from noun «Fame>
a) famous
b) famonive
c) famouric
d) famonic
e) famolly
11. Put the correct verb She tennis at 5o'clock yesterday,
a) was playing
b) have been playing
c) is playing
d) has played
e) played
12. Find the antonym of the word "Dark"
a) light
b) red
c) black
d) white
e ) green
13.Put the correct article What time do you go to ... bed?
a) b) they CA
d) the
e) an
14. Find the antonym to given words. Come ... Open ...
a) go, close bread, to be
c) take, wear
d) turn, write
e) arrive play
15.Put the correct indefinite pronoun Have you got ... new books?
a) any
b) anything
c) none
d) something
e) no
16. Choose the correct ordinal numeral: "the 35th"
a) the thirty-fifth
b) the thirty and fifth
c) the thirtieth fifth
d) the thirty and fiveth
e) the thirty five m​

Erkinbekulbosin Erkinbekulbosin    2   28.01.2021 16:56    1

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