Cy loves meeting new people. She is a very a) calm b) sociable c) serious
2. You can see Bob is getting old, he has got quite a few
a) wrinkles b) freckles c) glasses
3. Mario is quite tall and he has got shoulders.
a) full b) well-built c) broad
4. Rachel is very ; that is why she hasn’t got many friends.
a) brave b) shy c) friendly
5. Our local supermarket offers a van
a) banks b) delivery c) beauty
6. Some of the most famous hair stylists work in the LA’s hair and salons.
a) design b) style c) beauty
7. There are a lot of souvenir shops and open- air cafes on the of the river Seine.
a) banks b) shores c) sides
8. In the centre of Paris, you can find a wide of jewellers’.
a) line b) beauty c) range
2. Do the test. GRAMMAR (present simple, present continuous, past simple, comparisons and adjectives). Зроби тест , використовуючи граматичні правила.
1. Jim house two weeks ago.
a) moved b) moves c) used to move
2. Harry is a teacher but he as a waiter at the moment.
a) worked b) works c) is working
3. I rarely video games in my free time.
a) play b) playing c) am playing
4. Shona came to the party wearing a dress.
a) beautiful red b) red beautiful c) red and beautiful
5. This jacket is 50 dollars. Have you got anything ?
a) cheap b) cheaper c) cheapest
6. Whose is that car? It’s my dad’s.
a) huge green b) green huge c) green and huge
7. Marie is girl I’ve ever seen.
a) pretty b) prettier c) the prettiest
8. How much is that blouse?
a) cotton purple b) purple cotton c) purple and cotton
3. Complete the dialogue using the phrases below. There is one extra phrase. COMMUNICATION. Вставте фразу в діалог. Пишемо тестом – 1 А.
a) Excuse me. b) What is it? c) Is this it? d) What’s it got in it? e) What does it look like?
- 1.. I’ve lost my purse. Has anybody handed it in?
- 2.
- It’s a black leather purse.
- 3.
- About 30 dollars and my driving licence.
- 4.
- Oh, yes. Thank you very much.
4. Read the story and number the sentences in the correct order. READING. Прочитайте текст та поставте в правильному порядку речення.
- Finley was working in the garden 1
- The old man said he was looking for Helen Miles.
- Finley was puzzled.
- Finley’s mum was surprised.
- An old stood in front of Finley.
- Finley told his mum about the old man.
- The old man disappeared.

Glazkovanuriya Glazkovanuriya    3   29.11.2020 21:40    1

LoliPIP LoliPIP  29.12.2020 21:40

1.1. b




















4. 1,5,2,7,3,4,6

Вроде бы должно быть так


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