Cрочно кто может
"We (1. go)…………….. the theatre after dinner," Mrs. Elliot said. "I (2. look)…………….forward to it. I (3.not/be)……………..to the theatre for weeks. There (4. be)…………….such an exciting atmosphere in the theatre, don't you agree? You (5. visit)………………….the theatre often in London, dear?"
"Quite often", Sara agreed. "I (6. enjoy)…………………….it, too."
"Is this friend of yours a close friend?" Mrs. Elliot asked. Sara hesitated. "I (7. see)……..quite a lot of him lately," she admitted. The car (8. stop)………….at the hotel and Sara (9. go)………….out. Perry (10. wait)………………..for her in the entrance hall. She (11. decide)………………to tell him everything after they (12. eat)……………………… .

Mollи Mollи    1   16.10.2020 15:48    3

твоёсолнце7 твоёсолнце7  15.11.2020 15:49

ответ: 1 went 2 looked 3 wasn't 4 were 5 visited 6 enjoyed 7 saw 8 stopped 9 went 10 waited 11 decided 12 ate


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