Creativity Project: Do I get enough exercise?

Listen and read.
Look at my project on ways POSTA
get exercise. What exercise do I do
on school days? What exercise do
Do I get enough exercise?
I do at the weekend?
Every week I get lots of exercise. From Monday to Friday, I walk to School
and back home. It takes fifteen minutes each way. At school, we have PE
twice a week for an hour on Monday
and Thursday. We do gym and we also
play football
. At break time, I play football and fag in the playground
with my friends. After School, I go to
Swimming lessons once a week on Friday.
I'm also a member of a club where I play
badminton on Saturday. At the weekend,
I walk the dog and I
go jogging with my
dad. On Sunday, we cycle in the park.
In this photo I'm walking I think I get about eleven hours of
the dog with my sister. exercise every week. When I do exercise, I
feel good about myself.
Here my friends are playing football
I get hungry and thirsty and I sleep well.
in the school playground.
By Azamat​

Vovanchik5978 Vovanchik5978    2   16.04.2021 16:34    2

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