Cоставьте предложения из данных слов.

1) Here/ snowy/ usually/ is/ in winter/ it.

2) Yesterday/ was/ Max/ in the park?

3) Any/ fish soup/ wouldn`t / Sally/like.

4) By bus/ did/ or by train/ he/travel?

5) The Barkers/ yesterday/ where/ have dinner/did?

6) On holiday/ Sam/ his cousins/ not/ visit/ did.

Dasulya21 Dasulya21    3   15.05.2020 15:49    0

kokosik23 kokosik23  14.10.2020 20:06

1) It is usually snowy in winter here.

2) Was Max yesterday in the park?

3) Sally wouldn`t like any fish soup.

4) Did he travel by bus or by train?

5) Where did the Barkers have dinner yesterday?

6) Sam did not visit his cousins on holiday.


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