Control work
Non-finite forms of verbs
I variant
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form (infinitive or gerund).
1. Don’t forget your father. (to phone)
2. Would you like to the beach this afternoon? (to go)
3. I enjoy your letters very much. (to read)
4. You must come in time. (to come)
5. I’d rather at home. (to stay)
6. My sister made me the truth. (to tell)
7. We can’t afford every night. (to eat out)
8. Don’t let children in the street alone. (to play)
9. She burst out (to cry).
10. We are looking forward you again. (to see)
III. Translate into English.
1. Он решил поехать границу.
2. Моя сестра научилась водить машину в году.
3. Она согласилась пойти со мной в кино.
4. Они отказались поужинать с нами.
5. Я обещала ему с домашним заданием.
6. Вам трудно угодить.
7. Ему не с кем было обсудить эту проблему.
8. Для начала он начал переводить статью.
9. Мне нечего читать.
10. Кто виноват?
11. Перестаньте смеяться.
12. Он отрицал, что украл деньги.
13. Мы смотрели на танцующую девочку.
14. Мужчина, стоящий у окна, мой дядя.
15. Сломанная ручка лежала на полу.
IV. Define functions of the Infinitive and Gerund:
1. To read is useful. 2. То drive a car in a big city is very difficult. 3. I decided to drive to the
country. 4. He promised to come earlier. 5. I came to speak to you. 6. To do it is easy. 7. То
swim in the lake was pleasant. 8. We want to swim in the river. 9. I asked him to swim with me.
10. I went to the river to swim. 11. Playing guitar is his favorite hobby. 12. Her hobby is writing
short stories.
V. Write 10 sentences with Gerund and Participle I.
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