
Раскройте скобки с условными предложениями сначала для настоящего времени, а затем эти же 5 предложений для времени (итого 10)

1 What (you do) if you (be) me?

2 (you lend) me the money if I (promise) to pay you back?

3 If I (win) the lottery, I (go) to live abroad.

4 I (eat) more fresh food if I (have) time to cook.

5 If they (know) what I know, I’m sure they (go) to the police.

2 Составьте предложение используя выражение have +something +done в Present Perfect (см правило на файле)

1. Joe / wash / his car. .
2. She / repair / her shower. .
3. We / deliver / a pizza/ to our home.
4. Bob / clean / his house .
5. Phil / brake /his arm.

Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.

1 ‘I’m sure they’ll visit soon.’
She said .

2 ‘Has William got a grant?’
Paul asked .

3 ‘He is going to retire soon.’
Mum said .

4 ‘We can’t lend you any money.’
Dad said .

5 ‘Where was Lisa living ?’
David asked

Lianda2007 Lianda2007    1   23.04.2020 14:53    1

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