Comport the sentences with the virbs in the correct tense.
1. clean
liam the animal houses in the afternoon.
today, he the elephants' house.
2. put
he clean water in the elephants' house now.
he clean water in the house every afternoon.
3. visit
we often the wildlife park at the weekend.
we the wildlife park now.
4. go
liam to work at half past six. it's half past six now and he to work. ​

ДинаСардина ДинаСардина    3   02.12.2019 20:59    0

morozhenka05 morozhenka05  11.09.2020 14:49

1. Clean

Liam Clean s the animal houses in the afternoon.

Today, he Clean s the elephants' house.

2. Put

He is Putting clean water in the elephants' house now.

He Puts  clean water in the house every afternoon.

3. Visit

We often Visit  the wildlife park at the weekend.

We are in the wildlife park now.

4. Go

Liam Goes  to work at half past six. It's half past six now and he __starts__ to work.


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