Complete with the past simple form of the verbs.
become - catch - go · not have - steal ​

Complete with the past simple form of the verbs.become - catch - go · not have - steal ​

nagornaykisa nagornaykisa    3   08.01.2021 20:21    31

backust backust  07.02.2021 20:23

A became B stole C didn't have D caught E went

larry19 larry19  25.01.2024 17:42
Для ответа на данный вопрос необходимо использовать форму прошедшего простого времени (past simple) для данных глаголов. Обратите внимание, что это означает, что необходимо изменить глаголы в соответствии с грамматическим правилом прошедшего времени.

1. become - ставать
To complete this sentence, we need to use the past simple form of the verb "become". The correct answer is "became". So, the sentence should be: The caterpillar became a butterfly.

2. catch - ловить
To complete this sentence, we need to use the past simple form of the verb "catch". The correct answer is "caught". So, the sentence should be: He caught a fish.

3. go - идти
To complete this sentence, we need to use the past simple form of the verb "go". The correct answer is "went".
So, the sentence should be: They went to the park.

4. not have - не иметь
To complete this sentence, we need to use the past simple form of the phrase "not have", which is "did not have" or "didn't have". So, the sentence should be: She didn't have any money.

5. steal - воровать
To complete this sentence, we need to use the past simple form of the verb "steal". The correct answer is "stole". So, the sentence should be: The thief stole my wallet.

Remember, when using the past simple tense, regular verbs usually end in -ed (e.g. walked, talked), while irregular verbs have their own unique form (e.g. went, caught, stole).
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