Complete with the correct form of the verb given. 1. It slowly when we finally at the camp.
(snow ,arrive)
2. My brother a walk with the dog every morning. (take)
3. They their first competition in 2010. After that they everything and only once. (win, win, lose)
4. I to the meeting yesterday because I about it. (not go, not inform)
5. I can't reach my manager. He in North America at the moment. (travel)
6. I your uncle for ages. I don't know where he right now. (not see, be)
7. The family usually breakfast together during the week, but on weekends everyone breakfast on their own. (have, have)
8. I this school for the last two years. Before that I to Jackson High School for a year. (attend, go)
9. What when the headmaster the room yesterday afternoon? (you do, enter)
10.I at the door for ages. Where ? (knock, you be)
11.He noise for a whole hour before the neighbours finally the police. (make, call)
12. I'd like to introduce my new girlfriend. She from Australia. (come) 13.She well yesterday, probably because she too much. (not feel, eat)
14.It was a wonderful morning and the sun brightly when I up. (shine, get)
15.They this church in the 19 th century and since then it renovated. (build, never be)

Илья2519 Илья2519    2   09.12.2020 04:18    1

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