Complete with: hits, tempting, address, aisle, manual, banned, revenge, values,
scratched, throws.
1 We should uphold traditional family
2 Holly often her money away on things she
doesn't need.
3 Jim took his new camera back to the shop
because the lens was
4 Many teenagers can't wear jeans to school
because their school has them.
5 Jim's father is a worker.
6 The smell of freshly-baked cakes you as you
enter the bakery.
7 The frozen foods are in 10.
8 There are displays of sweets at the checkout.
9 Please him by name when he arrives.
10 He was so angry with John he decided to take​

gaiciuknataliaozve2o gaiciuknataliaozve2o    1   02.12.2020 13:11    88

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