Complete with comparative or superlative.
1. we like wearing the
(late) fashion
2. these trousers are
(comfortable) than those jeans.
3. she is
(happy) now than he was last year
4. you are the
(pretty) girl in class.
5. my grandma is
(old) than my grandpa
6. the red dress is the
(attractive) in the shop.
7. i always tell the
(fun) jokes.
8. your hair is
(curly) than my hair.
9. my hair is
(short) than yours.

Denze111 Denze111    2   07.12.2019 17:30    0


Complete with comparative or superlative.

1. We like wearing the (latest) fashion

2. These trousers are (more comfortable) than those jeans.

3. She is (happier) now than he was last year

4. You are the (prettiest) girl in class.

5. My grandma is (older) than my grandpa

6. The red dress is the (mostattractive) in the shop.

7. I always tell the (funniest) jokes.

8. Your hair is (curlier) than my hair.

9. My hair is (shorter) than yours.

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