Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box: be forget get see work call find leave take want if she … five o’clock, she’ll be there by half past seven. we ….. you if we have any problems. it might not be a good idea to go out tonight if you ….. an important test in the morning. if you …. ill all day, you shouldn’t come to the club tonight. if you should ….. my wallet, call me on my mobile immediately! let’s get a different dvd if you …. that one already. if sean …. so hard lately, he’ll welcome the chance to have a few days off. if you’re going into town, …. a video for tonight while you’re there! if you see carol tonight, ….. to say hello from me! don’t feel you have to come if you ….. to.

sielink sielink    2   19.06.2019 19:40    46

79185519305 79185519305  02.10.2020 05:36

1 leaves

2 call

3 take

4 are

5 find

6 have already seen

7 has worked

8 get

9 don't forget

10 if you don't want to.

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