Complete these sentences with either said or told and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. Carlos... said... that the house. V (need) painting. 2. Rose finally told... her mother
that she woul... (get) divorced next week. 3. My sister Guido... to me that she (think) I was looking unwell. 4. Megan me that recently you (think) of
moving to Australia! 5. You (say) you
(take) great delight in fighting at
school?. 6. On the news, they that there (be) a tsunami in Haiti. 7. The
teacher that if the girl (set) her mind on something she
(achieve) it at any price. 8. The father me to cleverly divide my time between my studies and social life. 9. Mother Richard
(revise) for his History exam for
the last few weeks. 10. The teacher the children that water (boil) at 100°C.
11. Harry it (be) the tenth time you (be) the tenth time you me the joke! 12. He
congratulated us and everybody ... everybody (do) well in our exams. 13. He he
(tell) the difference between the twins the moment he (see) them. 14. Luke us the professor
(give) a talk on patent law the next day at 5 o'clock. 15. Greg .. school (begin) at 8.30, so he ... (see) us before classes.​

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