Complete these sentences using the correct form (past simple, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous) of the verbs in brackets.
1 I felt very tired when I … (come) home so I … (go) straight to bed.
2 Carol … (fall) asleep while she … (watch) the late news.
3 Mr Pitt … (take) his briefcase and … (leave).
4 When he …(get) to the office the boss … (already go).
5 What … (you do) at 10 o’clock yesterday morning?
6 I … (want) to borrow that new book but she … (already lend) it to someone else.
7 While he … (swim) someone …(steal) his wallet.
8 He … (work) on the project when his computer …(break) down.

надюша5056 надюша5056    3   26.04.2020 11:29    4

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