Complete these sentences putting the verbs into the correct tense. 1. it the party, you. ( go/come) 2. she happy if she new job/ ( not be/not get) 3. if us, great time ( come/have) 4. you if . ( not wait/be) 5.that /( break/drop) 6. if time/(help/have)

Русик271 Русик271    2   14.09.2019 06:00    1

katyakantalins katyakantalins  07.10.2020 13:33
Ваши предложения можно изменить,используя первый,второй тип условных предложений
Первый тип
1 go-will come
2 won’t be-doesn’t get
3 come-will Have
4 won’t wait-are
5 will break-drop
6 will help-have
1 went-would come
2 wouldn’t be-didn’t get
3 came-would Have
4 wouldn’t wait-Were
5 would break-dropped
6 would help-had
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