*** Complete the text with words from 3 exercises 1 and 2. oses Runner Usain Bolt is famous because he has won so many Olympic gold medals, but what is Usain really like and what do we know about his personality? Usain is a happy and cheerful person. He is always if to other sports people, and chats to them on the track. He isn't and is confident when talking to his fans and to newspaper reporters. As a child, Usain always had a lot of energy and was very sa He was also child, and liked to make sure his classmates were not unhappy. He has always been sa and from an early age wanted to run in big races and win. 2s a a 4s Usain isn't a mean person, and is always 6g with his money. He likes to help other people and is kind, and this has won him many fans all over the world.

nicitama228800 nicitama228800    2   02.12.2021 20:41    2

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