Complete the text with a/an or the. We recently moved to South Milton, which is a small village near the sea. My dad's ... doctor, and he got ... new job here. At first, I thought it was ... most boring place in ... whole world, because ... nearest town is 15 kilometres away. But I have new hobbies now.
I love going to the beach and going out to sea in my kayak, which is ... small boat. I go every day when ... weather is good, and even when it's bad!
I also have ... job in ... village post office to earn some money. I really like my life in ... countryside now.

Nastyha1741 Nastyha1741    2   05.02.2021 12:03    0

snegovayasnejaovrg7j snegovayasnejaovrg7j  05.02.2021 12:10

My dad's a doctor and he got a new job here. At first, I thought it was the most boring place in the whole world, because the nearest town is 15 kilometers away. But i have new hobbies now.

I love going to the beach and going out to see in my kayak, which is a small boat. I go every day when the weather is good, and even when it's bad! I also have a job in the village post office to earn some money. I really like my life in the countryside now.

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