Complete the text. put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or past simple tense. i (1)(go) to new york for the first time three years ago. i (2)(meet) an american girl of my age called laura. she (3)(be) very friendly. ‘you (4)(be) to new york before? ’ she asked me. ‘no, i ),’ i said, and so laura offered to help me. ‘you (6)(see) the statue of liberty yet? ’ ‘yes, i (7)(see) it yesterday.’ ‘ok. what about the empire state building? ’ ‘yes, i just (8)(climb) to the top of it. it (9)(be) wonderful! ’ ‘what else you (10)(visit) in new york? ’ ‘nothing really. i’d like to go shopping but i (11)(not find) any good shops yet. ‘well, let’s go to macy’s. it’s the best shop in new york. so, we (12)(take) the underground to macy’s and i (13)(spend) a fortune! i (14)(leave) new york two weeks later after a terrific holiday. i (15)(enjoy) it very much.

Лилия3510 Лилия3510    1   05.07.2019 16:50    49

сашадобро сашадобро  29.07.2020 06:17
Went    met    was   have you been     haven't     have you seen      saw    have just climbed       was    have you visited    haven't found      took    spent    left    enjoyed
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