Complete the text below with the full infinitive, the bare infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets. It's amazing (1) phone can (2)

(see) how easily a modern mobile

(affect) our everyday lives. Picture

this A woman goes to the city centre (3) shopping. Like all women, she enjoys (4)

(do) some

(walk) around looking at window displays. She realises she might (not have) enough money to buy everything she

(5) wants, so she uses her mobile phone (6)

(get) online

and transfer money from her account to her credit card. Suddenly she sees the perfect pair of high heels in a fabulous blue colour and a matching bag. She wants (7)

(buy them but needs a

second opinion. So, she sends an MMS to her best friend with a photo of the shoes and a question: Is it worth (8) (pay) £200for them? Don't you just love technology?

Azerb1 Azerb1    3   22.01.2021 23:00    0

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