Complete the story with "have-expressions" from the table. have a walk | have a problem | have a swim | have a shower | have a ride | have breakfast | have dinner | have a talk | have lunch | have fun | my name's jane simpson and i'm twelve. i live in a nice little town near the sea. on school days i get up at 7 and then i go to the bathroom and . after that, i go to the kitchen and . i usually have boiled eggs and some juice. school starts at 8 o’clock. my friend linda picks me up at a quarter to 8. we in her mother’s car. of course, her mother drives the car. i like my school. it is small but nice. all of the children in the school are my friends. we get on well and we almost never fight. when some of us with somebody, we usually that person and make it up. it’s really great. the classes finish at half past two and then linda and i walk home. on our way we usually in the park. linda and i always when we are together: we listen to music, tell jokes and talk about everything. when i come home, i in the dining room with my family. then i go to my room and do my homework or read. in the afternoon linda and i go to the beach and . sometimes we ride our bikes or get together with our friends at one of cafes in the town centre. at 8 o’clock in the evening my family and i . i really don't like watching tv so i usually don't do that. sometimes i play computer games before i go to bed and that's all. всех девочек и девушек с

ФлайберУмныйЧеловек ФлайберУмныйЧеловек    1   21.07.2019 00:20    1

Karinarikfeeet Karinarikfeeet  07.08.2020 11:15
Have a shower
have breakfast
have a ride
have a talk
have a walk
have fun
have lunch
have a swim
have dinner

некуда вставить have a problem...
скорее всего вы не поставили в предложении when some of us have a problem with somebody
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