Complete the short conversations with the correct form of verbs in brackets. 1 a (1 live) you near here? do live b yes, i do. i (2 have) flat in the centre of town. 2 a (3 eat) you lunch yet? b yes, i have. i (4 have) a sandwich an hour ago. 3 a what (5 wear) you this evening? b i’m not
sure. i think i (6 wear) jeans. 4 a what do you want (7 be) when you grow up? b i (8 going to + be) a scientist. 5 a my dinner guests (9 arrive) two hours early! b what (10 do) you ? a i (11 wash) my hair

prisnik1252 prisnik1252    1   08.10.2019 19:10    7

linalinalogin linalinalogin  10.10.2020 05:03

1 Do you live near here? I have got a flat...

2 Have you eaten your lunch yet?I had a sandwich...

3 What will you wear

I'll wear jeans.

4 What do you want to be

I'm going to be

5 My dinner guests arrive

What do you do?

I'll wash my hair

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