Complete the sentes .use as or than. 1 the oka is shorter volga 2 ben is as his brother 3 andrew is not so 4 the weather in spring is more pleasent in late autumn 5 my bedroom is as citting room . 6 my new book is more old book . 7 the flowerbed are not so roses unnder the window .

котак5 котак5    2   05.08.2019 06:40    2

korola korola  03.10.2020 23:05
1. than
2. as
3. as
4. than
5. as
6. than
7. as
fddfgdgdhf fddfgdgdhf  03.10.2020 23:05
1. Then
2. As
3. As
4. Then
5. As
6. Then
7. As
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