Complete the sentences with words from the box​

Complete the sentences with words from the box​

nastyasuhomlinova nastyasuhomlinova    2   04.12.2020 16:01    1

ainesk12 ainesk12  03.01.2021 16:17

1 - I`m a bit shy.

2 - Do you look like your dad?

3 - Are you allowed to use your brother`s computer?

4 - What is your flatmate like?

5 - We`ve got five pets, three dogs and two cats.

6 - I`m sure this is my pen.

7 -  What sports are you good at?

Розетта99 Розетта99  03.01.2021 16:17

I’m a BIT shy.

Do you LOOK like your dad? Похож ли ты на отца …

Are you ALLOWED to use your brother’s computer?

What is your flatmate LIKE? Что он за человек…

We've got five PETS...

I’m SURE this is my pen.

What sports are you GOOD at?  

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