Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There are four word staff took | sponsor | reef | make | encouraged | residents | refugees donation do | motorists recommended| volcano raise erupted and filled the sky 1 Many flights were cancelled when a with ash. 2 I saw a documentary about leaving their countries to escape war. 3 My mum me to work hard at school. 4 l asked my friends to me to run five kilometres for charity. 5 The water in the bay is always calm because it's protected by a 6 Kanat's dad gave him some good advice but I don't think he 7 They are all local 8 Dina's presentation is next week, so she needs to on the Internet. 9 Mr Akhmetov runs a small business. He has a it. Most of them live in the streets near us. some research of four people. money for good cause these days 10 It's a lot easier to than it was before social media

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