Complete the sentences with the words from the box using them in the proper form of the present indefinite tense. look, be, go, seem, have, rain, start, eat, take, snow, speak, win. 1. the school every day. his there in his car, 2. she lunch at school. 3. richard's life in paris is a bit difficult. english. 4. what's the matter? „very sad. 5, liz is good at tennis. game. 6. reasonable. 7. winter is warm here. seldom. but sometimes ' 8. helen is on a diet. she little. 9. a hurry. 10. the exams at in april.

coolvikusa46 coolvikusa46    3   28.06.2019 18:50    1

SashaRary SashaRary  02.10.2020 14:25
1goes, takes2has3speaks4seem5wins6takes7snows, rains8eats9is10start
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