Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
Hot, water, much, rain, raincoat, forecast, high, stay, breeze, out,
conditions, rainstorms

Good evening. Here’s this weekend’s weather (1) … for some cities around the United States. New York City will be (2) … this weekend. Temperatures will be unusually (3) … for this time of year. Get your t­shirts, shorts and sun hats out of the closets because you’re going to need them until Sunday. Remember to drink plenty of (4) … and don’t (5) … in the sun for too long. A cool (6) … from the Pacific Ocean will hit the San Francisco area. Weather (7) … will be pleasant during the day, but (8) … colder in the evenings. Dress in layers: t­shirts under a sweater and a jacket in the evenings will be the best choice if you’re going to be (9) … . But don’t worry, it won’t (10) … before Tuesday. If you’re in Chicago and planning to be outdoors this weekend, plan again. Heavy (11) … will begin by early morning, so make sure you take your umbrella and (12) … for the next few days.

tinaZ07 tinaZ07    2   26.04.2020 23:36    3

creatorX creatorX  13.10.2020 22:10

1) forecast

2) hot

3) high

4) water

5) stay

6) breeze

7) conditions

8) much

9) out

10) rain

11) rainstorms

12) raincoat

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