Complete the sentences with the right words. Choose from the following: hoof, claws, trunk, roots, grow, stalks, blossom. Tree’s go a long way underground.
A cat sharpens its against the of a tree.
Most fruit trees in spring.
Plants will not unless they get enough water and light.
The horse is limping. It must have hurt its .
Flowers last longer in a vase if you crush the end of their .

rauf2007 rauf2007    2   25.11.2021 10:26    5

angelinashushi angelinashushi  25.11.2021 10:30

Trees' roots go a long way underground.

Корни деревьев уходят далеко под землю.

A cat sharpens its claws against the trunk of a tree.

Кошка точит когти о ствол дерева.

Most fruit trees blossom in spring.

Большинство фруктовых деревьев цветут весной.

Plants will not grow unless they get enough water and light.

Растения не будут расти, если они не получат достаточно воды и света.

The horse is limping. It must have hurt its hoof.

Лошадь хромает. Должно быть, она повредила копыто.

Flowers last longer in a vase if you crush the end of their stalks.

Цветы дольше хранятся в вазе, если вы раздавите их стебли.

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