Complete the sentences with the reported speech They are waiting outside."
I've told him that

"I like oranges better than bananas."
She has explained that

oranges better than bananas.
"I prefer to go to a gastropub."
Mary says

to go to a gastropub.
"I am very tired."
Mary said

"Mary doesn't cook very well."
Jane told me Mary

very well.
"I don't often write letters."
Michael says

"I have left my keys at home."
William says

his keys at home.
"I am 25 years old."
Mary says

"I'm driving to Lisbon in my car."
Peter said

to Lisbon in his car.
"I will lend you my umbrella," Mary says to her sister.
Mary says to her sister that

her umbrella.
"I have lost my glasses."
Peter said

his glasses.
"I will help you in the kitchen."
John said to his wife

her in the kitchen.
"The festival was last week."
Peter told me the festival

"I didn't have time to buy what you've asked me."
Jeff told his wife he

time to buy what she

"I've been in England since yesterday."
Peter said he

dasha43com dasha43com    3   21.04.2022 02:45    2

smoboine smoboine  21.04.2022 06:00

They are waiting outside."

I've told him that they were waiting outside.

"I like oranges better than bananas."

She has explained that she liked oranges better than bananas.

"I prefer to go to a gastropub."

Mary says she prefers to go to a gastropub.

"I am very tired."

Mary said she was very tired.

"Mary doesn't cook very well."

Jane told me Mary didn't cook very well.

"I don't often write letters."

Michael says he doesn't often write letters.

"I have left my keys at home."

William says he has left his keys at home.

"I am 25 years old."

Mary says she is 25 years old.

"I'm driving to Lisbon in my car."

Peter said he was driving to Lisbon in his car.

"I will lend you my umbrella," Mary says to her sister.

Mary says to her sister that she will lend her her umbrella.

"I have lost my glasses."

Peter said he had lost his glasses.

"I will help you in the kitchen."

John said to his wife he would help her in the kitchen.

"The festival was last week."

Peter told me the festival had been the previous week.

"I didn't have time to buy what you've asked me."

Jeff told his wife he hadn't had time to buy what she had asked him.

"I've been in England since yesterday."

Peter said he had been in England since the previous day.

Reported Speech:

Есть правило согласования времён.

В нашем случае было два варианта указания косвенной речи. Это можно заметить по времени (Mary said) и настоящему (Mary says).

В случае с настоящим временем меняются только временные указатели, личные, указательные, объектные местоимения, притяжательные прилагательные(в зависимости от контекста):

this/these > that/those          yesterday ---> the previous day

I/we > he/she/they                 here ---> there

me/us ---> him/her/them            last week ---> the previous week

my ---> his/her                             today ---> that day

our ---> their                                 now ---> at that time/then

Я указал не все возможные изменения.

В настоящем(says) времени не нужно как-то изменять само время.

Если нужно переделать предложение на время(told/said), то нужно знать согласование времён:

Present Simple ---> Past Simple

Present Continuous ---> Past Continuous

Present Perfect ---> Past Perfect

Past Simple ---> Past Perfect

Future Simple ---> Future in the past

Тут я также не указал все возможные изменения, а лишь те, что встретились у вас.

Тоесть если в предложении вы замечаете Present Simple, то чтобы переделать его в косвенную речь(Reported Speech), вы должны посмотреть в таблицу согласования и понять, что предложение нужно переписать в Past Simple, а также всё остальное смоятря на контекст.

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