Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Time Markers can help. 1. tions live (live) in Africa, 2. Don't disturb him. He wake Ory) to sleep 3 Every year, thousands of tourists (go) to London and many people (think) that London is one of the most interesting des the world. 4. 1 (stay) in London now and every day we (do) something different. 5. We usually (spend) a week in Italy. My aunt a (live) there and I've three italian cousins, 6. Look! They (work) in their garden. They (not; work) on Sundays. 7. We usually (not: have) a big breakfast. 8. Somn, what you (look) for- (look) for Jean's glasses. She often She only (wear) them to read, so she often (lose) them. (not wear them 9. Wait a minute, pls. Mr. Jones (talk) on the phone. 10. He usually (come) on time. I don't know why he is so late todoy. 11. The bus (leave) on Sunday night at about ten o'clock 12. My mother is at the shop now. She (buy) a new sweater for my younger brother. 13. i think we could take this violet perfume. It (smell realy good ) 14. John, what You usually (do) on Saturday momings (wash) my car if the weather is nice.

кристина2043 кристина2043    2   30.01.2022 04:12    0

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