Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous of the verbs in boxes. — I watch         a new comedy. It's really funny!
— But you not like comedies!
— I know, I usually hate    them. But this one is really good.
— you/want to watch it?
— Not right now, Sam's here and we study   for our History test.
— A test?
— Yes, we have    a test every Tuesday.

aidarbI4123 aidarbI4123    1   20.09.2021 19:51    16

Angilass Angilass  27.11.2021 14:45

- I AM WATCHING a new comedy. It's really funny!

- But you DON'T LIKE comedies!

- I know, I usually HATE them. But this one is really good. DO YOU WANT to watch it?

- Not right now, Tom's here and we ARE STUDYING for our Maths test.

- A test?

- Yes, we HAVE a test every Tuesday.

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