Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continious form of the verbs in brackets. we usually (eat) at home but today we (are eating) in a restaurant. (eat) 1. normally i a suit and tie but today i jeans. (wear) 2. she hardly ever television but at the moment she a documentary. (watch) 3. you paul righ now? you never me. (help) 4. we often the bus when we go to visit my grandmothers, but today we the train. (take) 5. why you your homework now? you usually it on sundays. (do)

катарина68 катарина68    3   09.08.2019 06:50    0

Аня29718282 Аня29718282  04.10.2020 06:45
1. Wear, am wearing; 2. Watches, is watching; 3. Are, helping; help; 4. Take, are taking; 5. Are; doing; do
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