Complete the sentences with the Present perfect form of the verbs in brackets for or since​

Complete the sentences with the Present perfect form of the verbs in brackets for or since​

AlexSashka2003 AlexSashka2003    2   18.02.2021 14:05    12

WFCPDF WFCPDF  20.03.2021 14:11

1. We have known Aziz since 2009.

2. My grandmother has lived here for thirty years.

3. Have you been in this class for a long time?

4. My little brother has had a bike since September.

5. She has not worked in that shop since last summer.

6. They have not seen Jennifer for six months.

7. My grandfather has worked as a professional singer for about five decades.

8. Ruth has not eaten meat or fish since she was eight years old. She is a vegetarian.


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