Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect form of the werbs in brackets.

1. We (know) each other since we were at school.
2. They (play) tennis every Sunday for years.
3. I (not play) tennis.
4. You don't understand because you (not listen).
5. How long you (learn) English?
6. You (read) the book yet?
7. I (eat) dinner, so let's go out.
8. I (read)the book you recommended but I'm not finished).
9. She (finish) her work already.

Фоксе2121 Фоксе2121    2   30.03.2020 22:33    0

muslim38 muslim38  12.10.2020 09:56

ответ: 1)have known

2)have been playing 3)haven't played

4)haven't listened

5)How long have you been learning English?

6)Have you read the book yet?

7)have eaten

8)have been reading

9)has finished


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