Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in the box have,not play,not wear,not smile,study,watch 1.they're in the kitchen.. 2.she__at the moment.she isn't happy. 3.i__that because i don't like pink. 4.dave__football because he's got a bad leg. 5.we__a great film. sister__for an exam.

adile1991 adile1991    1   27.09.2019 15:30    2

DemonOfFood DemonOfFood  02.09.2020 07:24

1 are having

2 isn't smiling

3 am not wearing

4 isn't playing

5 are watching

6 is studying

DanaФайн DanaФайн  02.09.2020 07:24

1.They're in the kitchen.They are having breakfast.

2.She isn't smiling at the moment.She isn't happy.

3.I am not wearing that because i don't like pink.

4.Dave isn't playing football because he's got a bad leg.

5.We are watching a great film.

6.My sister is studying for an exam.

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