Complete the sentences with the phrases below. broke my leg, saved my life, fell into the pool, barked loudly,
called for help, was in a hurry

The dog 1) *** and I got afraid. I started running. I 2) *** and didn’t see the
pool. Suddenly, I 3) ***. I 4) ***and luckily, my uncle was there. He
5) . Unfortunately, I 6) *** . My uncle took me to the doctor

Oktay4828422 Oktay4828422    1   14.01.2022 03:50    0

saahmetovakarina saahmetovakarina  14.01.2022 06:00

1. barked loudly

2.was in a hurry

3.fell into the pool

4.called for help

5.saved my life.

6.broke my leg


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