Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past perfect forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 i didn’t ring (not ring) him because i’d forgotten (forgot) his number. 2 he (not pass) his driving test when he (drive) from san francisco to la! 3 he (not know) how the cat (walk) 100 kilometres to its old home. 4 she only (hear) about the interview three months after she (apply) for the job. 5 when he first (go) to moscow he (never travel) abroad before. 6 they (not watch) the film because they (see) it before. 7 that’s a surprise! i (not know) you two (meet) already. 8 they (be) married for five years when they (have) their first child. 9 when i (get) home, i (remember) that i (leave) the baby in the shop.

Dashaqqq123 Dashaqqq123    3   30.09.2019 05:50    6

rodionmihailof rodionmihailof  09.10.2020 04:45

Didnt pass,had driven

Didnt know, had walked

Heard,had applyed

Went,had never traveled

Didnt watch, had seen

Didnt know, had met

Had been,had

Got,remembered,had left


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