Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous. a) My mother (sleep) was sleeping when I (come) came home.
b) Alina (come)
when we (have)
c) Nurbek (drive)
fast when the police (stop)
d) It (snow)
when we (arrive)
at the airport.
when he (have)
a shower.
e) It all (happen)
along the street when I (see)
a man on
f) I (walk)
a bench.
her for the first time, she (read)
g) When I (see)
a book in the park.
when a big dog (run)
after me.
at the party, Nurbek and Deniza
i) When I arrive)
3) I (do)
k) I (try)
at the door
off, I (work)
When the electricity (go)
h) I (jog)
my last exercise when the lesson (finish)
to fall asleep when somebody (knock)
on the​

magdigadjiev magdigadjiev    2   26.01.2021 19:29    2

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