Complete the sentences with the irregular verbs in brackets.use the present perfect a.) to asia and africa. b./run)100 killometres c.)my leg d./swim)in a lake e.joe and /do)any extreme sports f.)a prize! g.)the rescue services h./write) a blog

122Даша 122Даша    3   04.10.2019 21:40    59

69TanyaKoT69myr 69TanyaKoT69myr  09.10.2020 20:30

a.Sara has been to Asia and Africa.

b.We have never run 100 killometres

c.I have cut my leg.

d.Penn has never swum in a lake.

e.Joe and Harry hasn't done any extreme sports.

f.You have won a prize!

g.They have seen the rescue services.

h.She hasn't written a blog.

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